Turnkey realization of expositions and stands
For international exhibitions
We deliver the best experience at the moment of your company’s presentation – we build commercial, permanent or temporary displays for exhibitions, trade fairs and showrooms.
Planning & design
planning and design of exhibition stands
We will help you plan the entire exhibition event – we will recommend exhibitions and trade fairs that you must not miss, and together we will plan the entire path to your success.
We are always looking for the best possible result in the best possible quality and do not hesitate to reach for unusual solutions.
production of exhibition stands
We will carefully select the materials to fit your budget and at the same time keep the entire display in top condition for the duration of the event.
Together with the in-house production team ArtenLux we can arrange the production of exhibition stands and displays in our production workshop in Rosice u Brna and transport them anywhere in Europe.
In the case of world exhibitions, we carry out production and transport locally with the help of our proven contract partners.
What is the price of the exhibition stands?
The price of the final exhibition project always depends on the size and complexity of the order. Please contact us for an exact calculation.
Where have we exhibited before?
exposures yearly
years of experience
Installation of exhibition stands
We will install your stand at the exhibition site well in advance.
Our project manager Lucie personally oversees the progress and communicates with local partners and staff. However, we do not stop with the production and installation of exhibition stands.
Versatile service for your presentation
On request, we deliver a complete package of services: catering, hostesses, badges and promotional materials, interpreters and translators.
We can arrange accommodation or transport to the venue, corporate teambuilding or events, which often also belong to exhibitions.